Welfare and Safeguarding
At South Beds Masters Swimming Club, we aim to foster a welcoming atmosphere for all members to enjoy training sessions, competitions, and social events. It's essential that everyone treats each other with kindness and respect to maintain this environment.
If you ever feel uneasy-whether from bullying, undue pressure, or inappropriate remarks-please reach out to the Club Welfare Officer. They are committed to addressing any issues you might encounter. You can contact our Welfare Office Marc Winter on Email: SBMSCWelfare@gmail.com
If you don't feel comfortable talking to the Club Welfare Officer, there are other avenues you may wish to explore:
Swim England National Safeguarding Team Email:safeguarding@swimming.org
Tel: 01509 640 700 (option 1 for Swim England then Option 3 for safeguarding)
Bedfordshire Welfare Officer - Suzanne Felce Email: welfare@bedscountyasa.com
South East Region Welfare Officer- Andy Giles Email: Welfare@southeastswimming.org
For further information and guidance here is the Wave Power Swim England Safe Guarding Policy